How To Enable Japanese Input In Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS – fcitx-mozc


In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to use Fcitx 4 and Mozc to enable Japanese input in the Ubuntu 22.04.1 environment (fcitx-mozc).

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What is Mozc?

According to GitHub, Mozc is a Japanese Input Method Editor based on Google Japanese Input that was created for several platforms, including Linux, Windows, macOS, and Android.

What is fcitx-mozc?

Fcitx-mozc is a lightweight input method framework based on Mozc and fcitx-mozc is for Japanese input.

How to enable Japanese input

  • Step 1
    Install fcitx-mozc

    Go to the Terminal and type the following command to install fcitx-mozc.

    sudo apt -y install fcitx-mozc
  • Step 2
    Change input method to Fcitx 4

    Navigate to Settings, then Region & Language.
    Install language support by selecting “Manage Installed Languages” from the menu.

    [Click to View]

    Once done, change the keyboard input method to Fcitx 4.

    [Click to View]

    Close the window and log out and log back in for the change to take effect.

  • Step 3
    Add Mozc

    The keyboard icon in the top right of the screen should be visible once you log back in, indicating that Fcitx is activated.

    Go to Fcitx Configuration either by clicking the keyboard icon on top of your screen or searching for Fcitx Configuration from the Show Applications.

    [Click to View]

    Click + and uncheck Only Show Current Language and type “mozc”. Select Mozc and click OK and add Mozc input.

    [Click to View]
  • Step 4
    Switch between Japanese and English input

    Once Mozc has been added, you are ready to go.
    When the cursor is in the text input area, you can switch between Japanese and English by using Ctrl + Space to begin typing in the Japanese language.

    An orange Mozc indicator showing the active status of Japanese input will appear on the top right of the screen when Japanese input is enabled.

  • Extra Step
    Changing the trigger input method

    By default, Ctrl + Space allows switching the input however if this key combination conflicts with another application, you can change the key combination as follows:

    1. Go to Fcitx Configuration (keyboard icon to top)
    2. Highlight Mozc
    3. Click Global Config
    4. Change Trigger Input Method
    [Click to View]
    [Click to View]


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